My philosophy : If it is not fun, I’m not doing it!


I did not quite know what I wanted to do for a living. After many random jobs and a business degree I came across photography. Decided to go to my local college to start my education in Photography. After completing my AA degree in Photography I opened up Shop so to speak. I took all Photography jobs that came my way. In that journey I found out that portrait Photography was my favorite and that my focus will be just that, portrait photography.

I grew up in the Salinas Valley for most of my life, with a 8 year stint in Long Beach, CA. (CSULB Graduate). I feel soo lucky to have grown up in the Salinas Valley with the Monterey Bay just around the corner. There are various of amazing locations in this area to use as a backdrop for amazing images. We are soo blessed with nature in this area we sometimes forget people from all over the world come here to visit each year.